Souren Furniture has a wide selection of long and round tables manufactured using antique reclaimed teak; we are committed to supplying the highest quality products all over Europe. Despite this, we know that customers have other considerations when choosing a table. Home space can be pretty limited but many people still prefer a long teak dining table. Why might you choose a more traditional longer teak table over the more popular round tables?

Why Choose a Long Teak Dining Table?

It goes without saying that longer tables are suited better when the shape of the room is suited to it. If a room is long, then it is best to get a long teak dining table. A round table might be slightly restrictive due to its width in a long, narrow room. A longer table aids the efficiency of the use of space.

A longer table is also easier for when larger groups are dining. To accommodate more people on a round table, you need a larger piece and the extra size tends to eliminate the advantages of choosing a round table in the first place.

Longer tables tend to have more elbow room due to the tradition of having been designed for formal dining (back when multiple courses and therefore multiple sets of cutlery and crockery was the norm) requiring more space. A large number of vegetable tureens can quickly crowd a round table but with a long table, the extra space along the middle facilitates a more comfortable dining experience.

Finally, a long teak dining table is better for formal occasions. This isn’t always going to be a requirement but for those special occasions such as Christmas dinner when people enjoy the abundance of food on the table and to help themselves to it, we almost expect formality.

Why Choose Teak?

Souren Furniture realises that a dining table is central to home life. After all it will get a lot of use - three times per day or more so you have to be sure that you are making the right choice, not just in the shape, but also of the correct wood. Teak is a hardy wood type that doesn’t need the delicate care of some other types of wood. The highest quality teak is resistant to the everyday stresses associated with dining. One of the worst substances is red wine but so long as you wipe it up quickly, the wood should not stain. Your teak dining table might need the occasional oiling though this should be no more regularly than once a year.

Take more care when choosing lower quality teak (Grade C); though it is suitable for indoor furniture it will require more attention than higher grades.